Tatashu Tashu
Currently hailing from Mor Dhona, Tatashu Tashu keeps herself busy with her miriad interests, primarily fishing when not taking to her duties as a Public Access Retainer or managing and working in various Brothels in conjunction with Free Companies.
Tashu Herself

Tatashu Tashu stands roughly an ilm shy of three fulms, her ample bust resting at about the size of her head, if not greater depending on the circumstances. Her naturally purple-blue hair is primarily dyed into a vibrant pink to contrast with her tanned skin, her freckles slightly muddied in her now darker tone.

Most times, it's easier to find Tatashu through her contacts at your local Retainer Vocate, her linkshell line available to the public through her contract as a Public Service Retainer. When she's not on call, she can usually be found either fishing or seeing to her own carnal desires.

Currently, Tatashu can be found sporadically at La La Land on Mateus, time permitting. There are plans to expand on official availability, but they have not gone through on this time.If you convey your interest in her ingame, you are free to join her CWLS, 0800-TIDDIE, which she is required to answer when questioned through, no matter her circumstance.The current going price for Tatashu's company is 450k gil for the first hour and 300k for subsequent hours in the same sitting. Repeat customers reduce the first hour price by 50k for each time they've laid with Tatashu, but the price cannot go below the subsequent hourly rate.Public Appearances, that being to attend an event as your date or the line, are cheaper, but only available to regulars. This costs 200k gil an hour, flat rate, with a rush fee if she is required same day of an additional 300k.